Quote Originally Posted by mihairauldevora View Post
Excuse my bad english but…

How come that i make 2 posts in the same day (traders market)
In within 24h i have like 15-20 comments under my thread of people arguing about price manipulation etc?

If you can‘t afford something why would you be pressed and ruin an entire thread… does this really make anyone feel better. Price manipulation here price manipulation there…

for example i’m selling my ghost set… someone offers me 5b pure i keep the offer on hold. someone offers more & i get called out for price manipulation… doesn‘t make sense to me.

tho this are the same players that press you into selling them your items 24/7 ingame for way under the Current offer.

I‘m a returning player and i haven‘t had this problem back in the days…

can someone please explain to me what‘s going on?! and why i‘m not allowed to make my own prices without being called names.

I’ve seen your Ghost Lb thread. In my opinion, it is totally up to you to make your own price. Since you own the item. Ignore the people that calls you price manipulator cuz the word “manipulation” or “manipulator” never exist in game in my opinion.

Arcane legends has a trade window and Auction Price for a reason. If they don’t like your price then they should move on, but they shouldn’t be calling people price manipulator.

Ps. This happened to my Jack Hellow’s Blood Pendant Thread with
(Eye,paragem,Grand Blood Tarlok Gem). Many people were furious and commented on my thread even though they weren’t interested or have the knowledge of the actual price of a very rare Level 1 item that literally the only one exist in game right now (Correct me if I’m wrong) with those gems slotted on it.

Most of them couldn’t believe that 3 player literally offered more than the price they “THOUGHT” would be fair. The players that offered literally in game right now walking with their low levels (lvl 1-2) and yes, I’ve seen them ingame and they’re active. They started fighting in my thread and so I had to close the thread and contact admin to take it down. Rip to my thread, has 3k Views but full of trash talk.