Quote Originally Posted by Reggin View Post
I was a pally starting around 30 and stuck with it til 55. To be honest, based on the 50+ gear, there is no reason for a SKILLED mage to use a pally build in pvp or pve for any role other than support (heal buff debuff).

There is no comparison when it comes to damage vs a pure mage. One argument is the ability to tank, but there isn't a single situation where a pally makes a better tank than a bear...

Actually, as I typed, I realized the one role a pally does better than anything else... Flag running... But other than that, a group will always be more efficient with another person assuming equal skill...
In PvP, a pally versus bear tank is arguable, IMO

A bear can only tank so much in PvP. Maybe in the short-run, a bear can tank better due to all its buffs. However, in the long run, I've noticed pallys being able to tank better because they can heal, drain, yet have the dodge of a fury bear. Really debatable.