Quote Originally Posted by umarrahim View Post
No, because when you ran for the lb, you exactly knew what you were running for.

It would be unfair for the players who didn't run cuz the vanities weren't trade-able.

It's fair to keep it the way they are.

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Would be fair to change and for old LB vanities to be tradable. I think same effort was put, or maybe even more to be top 10, since old LB was 14 days in a row to be in top 10.

I had to play for 20h a day for 14days just to be top 10, it was verry hard with only couple of hours of sleep.

I quited game after that because i lost will to ever enter game again after that event, thats how hard it was.

But i get what you mean too, i just made suggestion to our people that are making this game, i didn't play for almost 3 years so this would help me a lot.

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