Quote Originally Posted by Snowman Is here View Post
I don’t see why Sts would care if a player decides when to spend platinum, more so that the player actually wants to spend as much as possible. Just like those npc sets that barely sold in the store the same time Crier set was in store, they were the same price yet now they’re much more rare than crier vanity. Also don’t forget the 48 hour time limit during these sales, that’s enough to maintain any “rarity” these store purchased sets will have.

The issue i’m referring to is there’s a large amount of people who would have bought a set and were not able to due to the 10 set limit that’s instantly bought out. Rises the question, why would someone bother to buy platinum on a sale that’s been ridden by bots?
Thats always an issue every limited sale.

It's a limited sale for a reason. The fact that it's limited makes people want it more? It's tradable, so those who were too slow can buy it with gold? Thats what 99% of the people are doing. Just check all the "Buy Crier" threads, a handful don't mind to pay upto 100m.

They would def earn more plat revenue if it was unlimited, but they've been doing it this way, 99% of the time, for the past 2-3yrs since aura's came. So there's definitely a reason why they're turning a blind eye as this isn't the first, second nor the third time a thread like this had popped up tackling about they were too slow to obtain one. With no response from devs, simply they don't care and are sticking with a maximum amount.

Furthermore, everything happening have different circumstances. It's either limited, or unlimited. Just like how certain lbs are bound, or tradable. How certain events are accumulation events, or highest-score events. You really can't please everyone by having both worlds happen simultaneously.

Oh also, if you think little to no one would bother to purchase platinum during a sale bcuz of "bots" you're definitely wrong. Infact I repeat, they're doing financially better with these clever additions of plat bought items, weekly systems that we've been having so much plat sales since last year because people are asking for it. Fact check this yourself with the vast amount of people making threads, making comments regarding when the next plat sale would occur. Hence, it's small enough of an issue for them to detect through their radar and do smth abt it.

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