Quote Originally Posted by Register View Post
I would like to propose four suggestions. If you disagree with my thoughts, please post below in a civil post. Do not post things like "Hate it.", "Great Idea!", "No". Give a reason. Otherwise your wating time posting.

I would like to see Boot reasons to have AT LEAST 4 characters in them. No more "lol", ".", "soz". At least with the 4 character minimum, these people who use those above boot reasons would have to type "sorry" or something. At some times, I think people literally boot people for fun. One person booted me and one other person yesterday with a reason "Sewers"....Does that mean sorry but you use sewer gear? The host was using sewer gear as well. Did he mean go level in sewers? Well why should I? Theres a new campaign. Of course I wanna play it. And after the two boots, there was only 2 people in the group. The host and some other person. IMO two level 54s, a level 57 (host), and some other 56+ can do much more damage than without the 54s.

New Archer Skill
I would like to see a new skill for archers. Meditate should be taken out. I want a skill that blocks aggro. All existing aggro would be under normal circumstances (eg: damage, taunt) but no new aggro can be gained from the user during the duration of the skill. I hate using my combo and IMMEDIATELY dieing. This could even be a 5 second duration skill with a 15 second cool down. At least I can combo in peace. Why this makes sense is that a good and smart bear (Yes, im looking at you) will use taunt right when they come in the room. For every rank increased, it would lower the mana usage. The skill at rank 1 could be like 30. In order to stop the comboing arcer from dieing, the bear would have to cast taunt later. Which would mess up the pull a little. Which would make them a bad bear (yes, im looking at you). Please give Avians this skill. Theres almost no way to combo in sewers (and now Nuri Hallows!) and live. Unless you use an elixir. I have never seen this problem with mages or bears. Please get this implemented. Dont let those zombies eat our squishy feathers.
If I'm the host of my game I can boot whomever I please. If I don't like your hat I should be able to boot you. It is MY GAME. I created it and you joined it. If you dont want to be booted make your won game. I regularly make games open so my friends can rejoin it fast. Sometimes it's only 3 in the game and my other friends aren't there yet and when you are on a pot you don't want to waste time typing in a password every time. To my knowledge, no one can boot from public games( ones created by walking through a portal or joined via continue ). If you're so soft skinned and so unliked that you can't get your own party of 5 to run the new maps, it's not my problem. Some players like it all warm and fuzzy and some of us like to have fun with their friends rather than random treehuggers. We(my friends) go as far as sharing the drops by giving them to the correct class. No I don't want you in my game, no you can not have my drops, and no you can cry me a river before I even consider letting you in the next run.