yeah its not honorable but will it be counted as honorable kill on your kd ratio?
fight signal is good if all pvpiers are following it, but its not the scenario, for example on lvl 10 pvp, if a twink dex bear saw a bird or a mage, no fight signal they will kill it because they know the mere fact that those mages and birds wont be able to kill them.
its like its pvp signal is not needed , come on you enter pvp game then expect for a signal fight?
more and more are playing pvp, yeah different builds, different contradictions of every classes, but you wont blame a player if they rush you, since your on a pvp chamber, example will you say go to a mob , like say go cockroach, then cockroach response go, i bet not right?
TBH some players are quiting PL because of this attitude, well we have different opinions on pvp,