Quote Originally Posted by Kind View Post
Alot of nabs out here also not offering not because they sold the set like me but cus they don't have $ sit nab literally no one talking to ur broke @ss
Awww now who is mad?
Stop crying just coz u sold it cheap…

go look for life there outside the game, have hope that one day you will have it and leave people alone because you have been moved by a low offer that you received from your set, the only thing you tell me is how poor-minded and weak you are because you went to the first offer .. and stop answering that you are being dumber than anyone, You are not seeing that with 1 hand I count the ones that are on your side and I have most of my fingers left over, I bet they are your "friends" those who support you and you feel good because at least you have friends in a game.

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