Before vendor changes 3-4 days worth of orc tag daily quests got you 25 inventory slots for 75 tags, not to mention you could buy orc tags in auc from people to get more slots and get an extra 25 slots every 15 days for story tokens or for glinstone/cryo coins you get from quests while leveling and even then it seemed to low.

It doesn't effect me much, I have lots of slots already but every day people message me angry about the slot changes/plans to quit, if enough people do quit or new players don't even start because of this the game will slowly lose people over time and the game might die due to inactivity.

Idk what the solution would be, maybe up inventory/stash slots you start with to 200 or guaranteed 25 inventory/stash every 2 days since it's the main thing people need, the hotbar/furnish/crafting slots weren't needed, if anything they were are good way for sts to make money since everyone didn't mind buying those for plat and reselling to people for gold during events when craft slots jumped in value.

And/Or lower the plat cost for tradable inventory/stash slots to 5 plat = 50-100 slots, it will be 1 of the most bought items for plat then.