Quote Originally Posted by LichKing1 View Post
it was just an example to compare gold and item farm, the point is that items drop faster than gold and it doesnt need more buffs (conversion)
i dont have the stats that devs have but everyone could see multiple "bound" items in ac the first couple hours and even now u can see many arcane bracelets being sold on forums, it seems like there is already more arcane than mythic bracelets
what will u farm after u finish the items? farm for rare vanities and complain they r too rare and need re-release? bruh

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There are surely multiple reasons to farm rather than just plain non awakened gears , there’s awakening , vanities , housing.

I feel like farming for gears shouldn’t be the end goal , rather gears should be a means to reaching a greater goal.

If someone likes to just play plain normal pve that requires intense grinding there’s much more appealing options to play in todays age .

AL is surviving mostly because of its various social aspects , not particularly because people like the grind / play the game , it’s just coz it’s a clutter free and simple open world game with nostalgic vibes and the social aspect of the game is very strong [trading , auction , guild, housing , events , etc …] ,

I am not saying that the grinding part of the game should be removed , am just saying the grind is just way too intense and should be made quite a lot easier , there shouldn’t be a huge disparity between players in terms of gears / equipment and everyone should be allowed decently Fair participation.

I just want the game to grow and have just said what I think could make it better , let me know if you disagree and why you disagree.