Quote Originally Posted by Adf View Post
Only because we proc our staff and use meteor, don t make us beeing the best in game. Let s take the new map event, hyberian, rogues can clear boss in one shoot only if they have pisces and ultimate. Mage with hyperos won t do much damage if they use haste and get stun from boss. Same for rest of maps that are long and require clear of mobs. If the meteor will be same as arrow from rogues, rage from warriors that would be equal in all the class. Plus if mage use haste is apply to all team, not only for them.
My question is still
Why do you have to solo map ?
Dont you have any other party members with you.
I am doing the same map with randoms and had decent players each time .
You are making excuses over here.
Many time i was on cd on procs
Py party killed them as fast as they can do with my help .
I am a tank yes i can crush that boss with my ulti .
But again i can do that because i am 3k str
Full krak arcane bracelet tank .
And my 2nd question was
Which maps are out there where we farm pve ?
When events are on cool down .
Most of them are portal maps .
Where ulti does not make any sense .
Look at general view it’s perfect as it is
Yes i want them to buss meteor strike for dot damage atleast that is fair .
And how many event bosses have such high hp ?
A mage party kills hedou fastest
A mage party kills e rahab fastest
Mages are on most of the lb .
Mages can do higher damage without ulti then warriors Can tank better then rouges normal skills have best crowed control .
Can clear map faster then other classes which in the end at boss makes us all balanced .