Quote Originally Posted by Ploid View Post
Co-ordinating pet is very important actually and this is what everyone does in parties. AL is mainly played in parties so people can avoid mythic set users because you guys made mythic irrelevant. Might as well be naked, it won't make much difference without Kraken proc.

Anyhow, if you guys actually made a strong combo of pets, most players would love it. The reason the tri-force pet actually failed was due to lack in power.

If you guys made a combo that granted 100 ED + BD + 100% damage for example, it would actually make everyone want to combo their pets together.
Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
I wish I could agree but I can’t: at the time the Tri Force pet combos were patently OP. They aren’t now but they were back then.

Doing the work to make a new OP combo pet matrix sounds like a big waste of time - unless there’s been some major cultural shift where players have decided that planning, coordination and communication are worthwhile.

Has that happened?

I’d be delighted to hear “yes.” :-)
I have to disagree with both you about why tri force failed as someone who tried to use them back then
I got all 3 of them so I could try to use the correct pet if I ever saw anyone with another one

They didn’t fail because of power, or lack of player coordination and communication, they failed because of the mechanics

If you wanted to use them to the greatest effect you would want to collect the largest group of mobs for the combo
Problem is when you have a large group of mobs pets will focus on mobs they first encounter which will inevitably end up being ones on the outside of where you want their AA to be

You can’t coordinate the pets, you can’t stop them from attacking undesirable mobs, you can’t place them ideally

Yes you can try to run to the ideal spot to pull the pets into position but by the time you do that most of the mob was dead

That was before proc stack meta, & I don’t think we had the pet options for loot or combat, so pets sometimes are attacking barrels
Even if I’m wrong on that last sentence, I’d defend the idea that combo pets failed because of pet mechanics