Quote Originally Posted by Fmll View Post
they cry because price manipulators want to buy it for cheap so they can flip it and they accuse people of having fake C/O's because they want to convince others its cheaper so that way others offer less than them resulting in the manipulators getting what they want by applying pressure to the sellers. anyone who comments arguing with me is a manipulator. This is common knowledge that PSP and many others love Manipulating prices along with their group of multi billionaires attempting to control the market so they continue to get richer and richer. now the real question should be what do those manipulators do with all the gold they're getting? u can only go so far with having unlimited gold by making profit through manipulation and at that end they will easily own whatever they want so there is no point in attempting to gain more gold unless... Ide rather not get banned on forums for speaking truth's so ill leave it at that.

on another note many players try to manipulate using alternative accounts to gain better offers. in the end both sides can be argued over but the end result is just a massive waste of time. If you want to buy someone's item just offer for it, don't be a crybaby/child and make arguments between players. if u cant afford it then don't buy it. no point in everyone's time being wasted over petty/dumb arguments but then again there are a lot of immature
players that have HIGH ego's, especially the richer they get.

- Not Arguing with you Runcryi, i meant to post this as a comment under this post so others can see
Wait, are you going to support him or what? I wonder how you believed this COS guy. A few of players and I were asking the same thing about what was happening here, and he kept laughing at us without telling us the facts here. I'm confused as to who is waging this Nitta war.. because it's not the first time he's faking COS as I already had proof of him manipulating fake COS with fake names.
Like selling a Ghost lb costume that can't be sold for over 2 months for 4-5 billion, and you still haven't taken the value proposition at around 10 billion? Or I bet you have no idea who he is anyway,

Everyone knows the Ghost costume no more than what I mentioned above, it's also very hard to sell separately and is too small for Mage stuff and vice versa for other classes, if it's a set it will complement the OP look and be easier to sell for. 12B+-15B depending on buyers. How does that happen? it is easy. As you can see, Harbinger's dark aura went from 2b to 5b nowadays and is in high demand these days.

Now the real question is what do they do with all these unlimited gold" there's no such thing as unlimited gold nobody has such I desire for many lb vanities that I can't afford yet. Ur coming here with the fake "unspoken truth" type of accusation with no proof, ur msg was a personal attack for no reason my Apology u came to my house and had only "5k gold" in ur inventory, I get why u call it unlimited now

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