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This year as usual players are looking forward to our annual Christmas 3 week , non leaderboard event on Pocket Legends.
We are all excited. I understand and accept the event most likely will be all recycled and i love the fact that we have an event at all, and many new players and returning players on game can finally get items they missed in the past. These players are the most appreciative ones on game, and are active and wanting to actually play and enjoy our beloved game.
What i do understand is the Snap pet will definitely return this Xmas event.
What is vital for players returning and new players on game are the two most effective and highest stat pets that where from previous Xmas events years past.
The two are:
ZEP = 6K Health, 6K Armor, 6K Damage, 25% Gold
Zep is the highest damage pet on game and is the meta for end game farming.
MOLT = 5K Health, 5K Damage, 5K Armor, 50% Luck
Molt has the highest luck percentage for any pet as well as very high damage, armor and most importantly armor
So please, I implore you Futumsh , we need these two pets added to our Xmas event this year, to assist so many players that require a better pet to use for the meta and end game farming.
It will increase the platinum spending because so many will invest in these pets knowing they are the best on game.