Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
To give an option to use crates to get the event points is a huge decision, and it should have been asked in a poll in game or in forum where everyone can vote for it. So we know what everyone thinks about leaderboards.

LB is be something which needs players running the event map specially designed for the purpose of giving event points by using energy for entrance(purchased with plat or gold or crafting 25 for 1k gold each in 1 hour time), gold for elixers, time(atleast 15+ hours per day) to get 100k points

If devs wanted to add an option to stay at vendor buying crate to get 100k points in 10-20 minutes with 40k plats, it should have been polled beforehand. Not casually mentioned in the preview post as a "Whats new this year" point.

If plat buyers want the lb rewards, they could very well buy it from the lb winners since the rewards were made tradable. They wont be lacking gold, if they have 200k plat at hand.

Imagine seeing a f2p player using gold for kits running the whole week, getting beaten last hour when someone chooses to spend 200k plats on locks for 500k points. Sounds wild to me, but could very well happen with this system. What happens to the time wasted in game running for hours. Sure, the plat buyer got something worthy for the amount he spent, what happens to the time spent by the f2p player...
The guy who spent 200K plats to win will ultimately keep the game alive. If everyone is f2p, the game would have died years ago.