be cool if we could use the orb/chakram/chainsword vanities to cover the main weapon of staff/daggers/aegis ,
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be cool if we could use the orb/chakram/chainsword vanities to cover the main weapon of staff/daggers/aegis ,
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arl0rin ring d0esnt functi0n wel. i cast dmg manytimes then type /stats.. it d0est add 25%dmg. how?
ign: sagenote
put on a glove that matches the wizard's vanity pls
wizard vanity always horrible
It may be but it doesn't excuse that ugly face of the mage showcase. I don't understand their direction with the mage. I love that class but is so frustrating when an event comes out and we get things like this. Even the weapons vanity are the worst. Sticks over sticks, event after event, fps guns, toy guns, oversized weapons, megaphones. I understand that the game is no longer about Arcane Legends as it was back then when we had Ker Shal and it has its value for a reason. It reflects the magical aspect of a weapon. Goblin Staff, Goblaun, Elondrian Gun, Immortal Staff and Gun, Ker Shal, Flamestrike, Hellshriek, Magmatic, Iced Ribs, Professor's Penicular, Runic Flare and few others are a perfect example of good designs. Even the legendary orbs have a better design and a wasted resource imo for good vanities. And for real, we should be able to use chainsword, orbs and chackrams vanities for our staff, greatsword and daggers too. Those are way to similar and it doesn t make sense to have them restricted just because you have decided to add a 3rd type of weapon in the game that is way to similar to one of the other 2.
I don't like many of the vanities these days. I used to look forward to events mainly for the vanities. They did have a good day when the brought out the conjurer vanity though.
I'm not a fan of the modern Arcane Legends themes in general. The reason I was drawn to this game was because it had a mystical and mythical air, reminiscent of Lord of the Rings with a dash of other medieval threads.
You can see that in some of the names chosen at the beginning.
Hello @Futumsh @Cinco
Just recently joined the AL genre and was wondering if in the future events we could get some of these sets.
Having a few Spartan armory, or Greek gods inspired armory would be perfect for a genre such as AL.
These are just ideas. Hopefully this could be in consideration. 2024 new year and the way AL is looking I'm excited.
Will try to update you more on any ideas I have, that havent quite been done yet.
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Here are more ideas, they are concept arts from Fortnite Im just giving out these pictures as concept to see what the team in STS could do. , or could potentially come close to bringing this to the game.
These are for the rouge class . Having these variants would be really cool and I can't think of a more perfect genre than AL.
@Cinco @Futumsh
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Pls consider removing the purple underneath the aura, and keep it black and red
was good to see you cinco
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I like the idea of catering both for OP groups and for those of us like me who aren't. Great going STS, I hope it works!