Comprehend ? Grammar mistakes ? Bruh
English is not my mother language ? Don’t say o.0

Look for someone not to know the rarity of this or that , this prolly understandable if that’s an old item that gone rare now and someone just didn’t realized it or a returning player etc.
but that’s a new item rare from day one and to have it gotta be through plat store or some one sold u no ? How do u not know ? It’s like u found it accidentally and u dunno ?

Do u COMPREHEND orrrr ?

And I do appreciate that helied said yea it’s rare and worth more so he wasn’t bald enough to just say sold 18 ish without acknowledging that’s its worth way more but it still didn’t make sense
This so called deals happened forums is full of it and it’s not believable period !
I would say sold less than 100m bcoz it’s not a popular halo , so bcoz I have it I know about it not like I m throwing any kind of imaginable deals happened on some items for what ever reason I have ..