You heard it the first ALL AVIAN GUILD!

(A Few Things About Us)

Firstly were an all Avian PVP guild like ive said , we range from lvls 20 - 35. Right now weve got about 12 active members. What im trying to do is collect all the greatest PVP birds around. The more Avians there are the greater we are! SO if youve got a Bird and would like to join the Guild look at the following rules:...

-lvls 20 - 35
-Active on your character
-You need to be good to all Guild members.
**** If you are found harrassing anyone in the guild or in general, you will be removed immediately. ****
-Need to be experienced with PVP
-Also youll need to be familiar with the Avian attributes and skills

-Brother Guilds-
(RTL) Remeber the Legends


Guild Master- Skillery - lvl26

Officer- Tecknic - lvl32

member- Ikingofpvp - lvl35

member- Theaviantwink - lvl31

member- Cardinalman - lvl30

member- Psycotwink - lvl26

member- Supergotenkss - lvl26

member- Darkestsoulz - lvl25

member- Twingeek - lvl25

member- Majorbirdwoot - lvl23

member- Daaziredale - lvl22

member- Luketheavian - lvl20

thanks - Skillery