People whos utilizing all of their loadouts and hotbars has been cooking no problem before this update. And no threads in the last 2 years complained about buggy unintended proc overlaps. If its not broken, don't fix it.
And like someone had said, its a common occurrence that many maps now require needing and swapping between 6-8hotbars in 5-7seconds - because people who actually spend time in certain maps figure out the most efficient way to do it. But now we can't because every time we do, there's a 1s cooldown per switch before we can expect to proc. Again, this compromises the good players who are playing the game in a deeper level.
Really wished you guys never removed proc stacking but instead reworked it to be not broken. Procing dozer axe chasmal vest and dozer aegis doesn't even compare to being as strong as kraken is today. The amount of fun we had back then proc stacking is unbeatable, these days its 1 gear per slot you can proc, 2iq required to kill anything. I haven't even been able to mentally desire the want to run any map in the game because of how boring things are after proc stacking was removed. I couldn't even really enjoy temple anymore, I have the gears for it the skill but I only ran maybe 3 times due to how boring it has become.
You really had a golden opportunity to make a lot of money and a lot of players happy by making proc stack able gears rare and expensive throughout locks.
Click the spoilers!
Didn't see any thread in forum or any player "stacking proc" in a way where he would get an unfair advantage compared to players who weren't "stacking proc".
As others said, there are maps which require many hotbar swaps in short amount of time. For example, this change hurt rogues survivability, since they don't have an immunity and they need proc fast to not die (and giving them immunity would hurt warriors and sorcerers, cause what would be the point of using these classes if we could just use immortal class with more dmg).
Players who find issues related to power and 'exploits' have learned not to post in a public setting because there is a very high risk getting trashed on the forums and harassed in-game.
We get most of our power-related bug reports privately and through Customer Service.
Just sayin' - I don't like it, but it's true :-/
Those issues would only be possible with the new gears released. So, before you release new stuff, just test it - if it should be procing with the current meta or not. Still, this update fixes nothing, and is a nuisance to everyone. I hope you reconsider this, or find a way to fix whatever problem you're seeing without compromising our freedom of being able to accurately and precisely do things with our hotbars and procs.
No one can be as swift anymore, we're all downgraded to the level of new player's poor understanding of swapping hotbars and loadouts. Sad.
Going back here, a friend just tried proc-ing and switching star beast and kraken in some hard lb maps. He says that while it still works, it feels a bit hard to come up with an elegant strategy now because there is always a 1s (+1-2s from charging skills/attacks) window in-between, which could be a little annoying at times and cause them to die because of bad timing.
Perhaps you could try reducing the delay a bit to around 500ms and see how that works?
In this case add all the loot drop odds in lockeds and maps
Cinco, easy solution is just hard nerf arcane weapons when they are being used above 5 levels.
Example: problem with skull axe - if the proc was super weak for level 86, no one would have used it with new stuff.
Let’s say dozer axe proc is 70% less effective from level 82, it will also make space for upcoming weapon procs at level 86.
You did this on Ebon aegis, the reflection heavily nerfed at some point, and idk why other weapons do not get the same treatment.
It will be much easier than adding weird stuff that can mess up the gameplay
Crazy how a single unexpected update can ruin the game. Hate it. I get that casual players will barely feel anything, but cooldown after each swap is something terrible in any leaderboard run.
Not even mentioning hardcore mode, where it’s gonna be dangerous to players with actual end-game gear.
Even though it “prevents” proc stacking, it does more damage to the quality of any competetive gameplay where proc stacking isn’t even used.
Just remove this cooldown completely please.
<Elite Runners>
The slot swapping period has been cut to 500 milliseconds with the most recent game update.
This allows us to maintain the fix for various (unpublished) proc overlaps while significantly reducing the effect of how it feels in combat.
Best wishes
So much time having problems with delays or not responding when I'm switching equipment fast because of my unstable connection, now that the delay is standard I didn't even notice it.