Quote Originally Posted by Charyoutree View Post
Lol wow... ty for proving my point. I'm all ouchy now with your multiple long comebacks explaining yourself and attacks on a complete stranger with silly insults.

That said, I'm so sorry you feel judged. No sarcasm there, truthfully, because you seem to feel that way more with every post you make and it can't be fun or feel good.

Perhaps it would help if you find a way to recognize when someone is trying to be nice? Those people do still exist, even in the dl universe, and I happen to be one of them. Or pause to understand that it doesn't matter that I didn't follow every nuance of your excessively detailed argument, when my small point about your one statement and that you having a history anyone can see was clearly made? And please pardon the hell out of me for just trying to be kind and help a fellow gamer to prevent further embarrassment because clearly avoiding embarrassment doesn't seem to be important to you today. So do you, and enjoy. Apologies for ruffling your feathers. I'm sure you're a nice person irl, but sadly your reaction to a stranger doesn't show that.

And to be clear, I don't need attention. This is my only recent post (last one was 5 years ago, before your current Tapatalk existed). And I do happen to be an original player that has never changed my IGN (you can click my name too!). And yes I'm sadly bored and stopped playing and was hoping for new content when I checked the update. All true. But FYI not everyone who hits reply is attacking you or enjoys a pointless argument. Clearly you do, and I hope you enjoy arguing with yourself. Maybe you find it fun. I don't. Goodnight.

Hi mods/devs, it's been said before I'm sure, but it's truly sad that basic politeness and playing the game just for fun are so rare now. So many other games don't have this ridiculousness. I enjoyed farming and playing your platform for years and made great friends, but DL has more and more evolved into a place to attack other people to score useless points (and scammers, so many scammers) and it's no wonder that so many of us left. I certainly regret checking in on the update hoping for something new, trying to be nice to a stranger, and needing to ignore 4 or 5 posts of bull**** attempting to make me feel... idk... bad?... for it? This is the community of gamers you now foster. It doesn't have to be this way. Please do better.
100% 👌🏼 🙏🏼