Quote Originally Posted by Batuakik12 View Post
-1 there's no need to nerf neptaris weap, the weapon is not as powerfull as u think, u still need a proper build/str to be doing significant dmg to bosses. And i think is fair considering warrior have less dmg than the other classes and cost more to actually build an op dmg to deal with bosses. So yeah no, Instead of complain of a weapon that's been used for awhile and people are completly fine with it, why not just wait for the new upcoming 86 sword,bow and staff weap. Cheers.
Warr this times can do a lot of dmg, can kill any boss they want with this weapon that is actually pretty easy to activate with bosses like hedourah, that is only a boss and makes party’s pretty easier, I already tested with some warrs and seen that with that a weapon significantly kills hedo in seconds. You just need a 3/3 sb and kraken set that’s is not so expensive almost everyone can have it. In addition, warr is not that’s expensive in game to be so powerfully, player should make warr more expensive cuz is the most op in the game, rogue has left been behind.

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