All weapons tested and this is my feedback:
Sword- seems really promising, were killing mobs in indigo and elite zodias really fast without procs, and no sb/kraken(my War is gearless xD)
Gun-Damage is really good, but it depends of haste(which shouldn't be a problem nowdays), I have noticed that weapon doesn't attack 360° not sure if bug or intended.
Bow-damage is good, but compared to others weapons(like sword and gun, that can benefit of haste effect), it's seems something that needs a buff for class equality, either make haste possible with bow or increase the damage at the point that rogues can do the same damage as mage/war with haste. Also noticed the same thing of gun, not attacking 360°.

Final considerations:
+Increase bow damage or make it works with haste.
+The war proc wouldn't be a problem for me since I would prefer to use kraken proc, but seems others on this thread would like a buff on the proc.
+Both gun and bow could attack 360°, would work well with charged attacks.