It's reflect that kills everyone. I hate it. Cheap kills and no skill needed. Pull isn't the issue, it's the refect that auto kills once you're inside the arena. Refect chased all the rogues and mages out of real pvp and all war pvp is real now. This happened with ebon aegis and ruins pvp. Just take reflect out of pvp altogether. Um, real pvp idc what you do with outpost.

I'm a war, I'm not against wars being op. I'm against a mechanic that takes the others classes ability to fight away. In a clash with all the procs, pet aa, auras, and general effects no one can see the swords reflect proc. Anytime a mage or rogue actually attacks they are just hoping it's not an instant death. Heal bubble and pet aa don't protect from reflect either. In one clash we lost because our rogue actually tried to kill people while on the other side the rogue just ran and hid. How is that fun for anyone?