Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Because so many players have responded indicating that they feel the bow is underpowered.

And indeed, even though it performs better in internal testing the actual in-game performance of the bow feels a bit weak compared to the others.

It's generally fine so it doesn't need a huge buff; just a small one.

I'm quite sure that once the buff is public players will still want more. You only need to read a few forum threads to know that, for various Legends, even the most OP gears "need buff." :-)
Yes it does seem reasonable for the buff on bow considering. Haste doesn't seem to effect the projectile speed for it. What about rusk sword any plans to change the reflection proc? Currently rusk sword is underperforming sow chainsword a 2mill weapon on hedo. I don't think it's reasonable tbh. I would not be complaining about rusk sword if there was a map where I could actually use it to farm consistently like hedo so I guess my point is valid