Quote Originally Posted by kikemm17 View Post
Why would PvP be among the lowest priorities for the team when everyone would play it if it was fair for everyone. People stop playing PvP because of the unfairness. Even if one player played it, it’s part of the game and should be addressed with the same importance as the other game modes. There’s many players who would agree.
This isn't the place to rehash the years of conversation we've had on PvP - so I would encourage you to read some of the other feedback from the development team on the value of PvP.

TLDR; the PvP modes at their very finest, most balanced and exciting, only appeal to a very small number of players. Ever. Since the beginning of time in Arlor. There was not a point in history where PvP was anything more than a fun diversion for a handful of our beloved Legends.