This makes no sense cause first of all when I addressed this problem for the first time u said that staff would fail to proc on immune targets but u had "fixed it" and told me to look into it and let u know but it never changed, it still don't proc on immune targets and now ur saying that it's part of the mechanic of the staff which also makes no sense cause every weapon that has a proc in the game do proc on immune targets and it has always been like that

No proc in game can bypass or ignore immunity but u are still allowed to proc before hand to get the damage buffs and also other benifits of the proc that is being used but the target itself it's not taking any damage while his immunity is active. It's a very big disadvantage and it actually makes the sb staff unusable in pvp cause it means that u would have to time ur proc perfectly with the target's immunity to sussesfully proc which Is an unrealistic thing to do.

What we are trying to say here is to please make the staff proc work like all the other procs do so we can properly used it in pvp( idk if the same thing is happening in pve with the immunity situation)

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