1, New buff
- it has been some time since we got cryostar awakening gem (+2.5 dmg, +200hp) and orc shaman effigy (+5% crit, +15% armor). I guess it is time for another thing to provide small buff in PvE. Dust of star bonus (name is optional) would work as follows:
- 1 of NPCs in Berryline Bay town would offer us daily quest. Kill 20 Elder Woods bosses to receive dust of star bonus (e.g. +5% ms, +5% gl). This bonus would last until reset of daily quests the following day. You'll motivate players to run Elder Woods at least 20x for small buff, that can be used until next day reset of daily quests. Once daily quests reset this buff is gone, so when player wants this buff again, he has to take daily quest and take down 20x elder woods bosses again.

2, Introduction Visual
- this is purely for flex, but i think it would be great to have. Introduction would be visual animation once players enter town/ map, or when other players inspect player with introduction "vanity". I don't even know if it should be vanity, perhaps it would work better as it's own thing with it's own list of introductions, just like badges work.
player has thor alike arrival effect (image below) when entering town/map/house, this animation would last 2-3 sec. Animation is also triggered in inspect menu, when someone else is inspecting player with introduction.

Ideas: earthquake (crack in the ground), snowing, lightning strike, some procs have cool visual effect, some bosses have cool visual effect (hedourah when respawning), bats respawn effect from Dark Legends, waterfall, falling stuff (like boxes), some flowers for ladies... many options
The way to get it: through plat store, event LB, or as loot from map
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