Hi Guys, so I just wanted to make a quick announcement.
COT is proud to unveil the biggest pink give away in the history of PL. This give away will include over 1000 pinks that are not only common pinks but also rare, expensive, and luxurious pinks such as Fury Fighter and Mega Mage. The event has been organized by our guild as a whole, each member a significant portion.
Implementation is key. In order to make the event as lucid as possible, we have organized officers who will distribute the pinks. On the day that this will be announced (Look for the Date at the bottom of my post), it will be like an Easter Egg hunt. Find an officer, hope for the chance that pinks may rain from the sky. Due to it being a guild event, we request that no donations be made. This is our chance to give back to you! It wouldn't look right if we accepted donations. I hope that does not bring up too much controversy and conflict.
Anyways, getting back to the party!
Event Date: To Be Announced!