Quote Originally Posted by Fac3bon3s:424472
Quote Originally Posted by SUPAPRODIGY View Post
Do you know how many times this has been request before you make a thread make sure you go and search if someone else hasnt suggest it already as this idea has been mentioned already and its already in future thoughts for the devs.
I know how forums work. Thanks for the advice. I am getting positive feed back.

As for the game play issues some one mentioned. It would be an in town only thing. As I can see how it could cause lag issues.

Edit: I did a thorough search and it seems the reason you may be upset is that you created a thread named pets. Only thing is, it's not in the suggestion section of the forums. Maybe you should ask to have it moved.
Even if it was just an in towne thing i still think it would meas with alot of people i sometimes have to restart the pl app when in balefort cause of lag if everyone had a pet would have to quit completly lol