Quote Originally Posted by Fac3bon3s View Post
It's hard to make credits these days. Everyone undercuts substantially. First item price may be 9500 credits. And then as the day progresses others add same item and drop it by 500-1000 credits each time. Instead of listing it for the exact same price. In which case all could make good coin instead of a quick 500 credits. STS markets are hard to read. Children have no understanding of trends and market values so they just list their items at reduced prices. I give props to people who can make money in this economy. I don't have the patience to deal with being undercut 5 seconds after I list an item. Example. I had a Kinetic Carballoy on auction a few weeks back for 8k. I check five mins later and 3 more were up at 6k, 5500k and 5k. Again I commend you if you have the patience for this but to me its a waste of credits just listing items these days.
Thanks for the feedback (and I certainly understand your frustration). I added two more bullets in an effort to help address this topic.

- Think "global": Use time zones to your advantage when buying/selling items from the CS. Based wholly on personal observations, the best time to list an item in the CS -- where "best time" can be viewed as the highest probability of avoiding being under-cut while, in turn, retaining the desired listing price -- is during the "non-waking" (i.e., late evening, more specifically) hours relative to the United States-based time zones. I haven't seen any demographic data with respect to where the majority of the SL player base physically resides, but my bet would be that the highest percentage of players lives in the United States. By listing items when the apparent majority of players are not, you are -- in essence -- mitigating opportunity for "bid collision." In addition, I would argue that Fridays and Saturdays are the best days to list "big ticket" items (as this is when the most players -- that is, potential buyers in this context -- are likely to be on). Using this method, I wouldn't recommend listing most items for more than 11 hours (exceptions to this recommendation potentially consisting of pinks and vanity items when they're "first seen"). Alternatively, leverage the same (but opposite time-of-day) logic when buying from the CS, as more sellers typically equates to better deal opportunities.
- Look beyond the CS: While, perhaps, the most convenient avenue for buying/selling items, don't be afraid to post on the forums if you can't quite seem to find the deal that you're looking for -- whether buying or selling. The CS is limited to "gold-based-transactions," but the forums are not: Try bartering (i.e., "these items for that item," "this item plus this gold for that item," etc.). You could also try sending a tell to a given lister in-game, but there are inherent challenges with doing so (i.e., you both have to be on, the other player may not be in a good position to discuss such a transaction when you approach him/her, etc.).