Ok lets put all these recent post in perspective....this is somewhat like what is happening in the U.S. today....a small minority has gotten their feelings hurt and start screaming about how unfair and hurtful something makes them feel and Expect the society as a whole to do a 180 and reverse the flow of things just to suit them....suck it up or quit...your call....STS is here to make money and supply a fun evolving game for gamers as a whole not one or two players....so stop complaining about the game designers decision to provide a growing game environment for future players. just because you scream the loudest does not constitute you the victory. I am in agreement with STS...forward marches the game and the ones who quit....oh well trim the fat i always say! Kudos to Mt. Fang...and btw...NOone forced you to spend your hard earned $50 bucks...you wanted it to be easier for you and it was...STS has to make money to expand the game....you did your share and thank you for that, but now they have put your money to use and your upset....its just laughable to me. simple solution as you said.....quit!