Quote Originally Posted by IBNobody View Post
The problem comes in when I have to grind and then see very little benefit come out of it. Or, I'm grinding on the same 5 maps over and over.

If my character performs at the same power level on the 100th map run as they did on the 1st run of the same map, where is the incentive to play?

I do not mind grinding, and I can stick it out for the long haul. I've played games worse than this. The advantage of those games, though, was that they had a much bigger scope. I wasn't limited to a single set of maps. I had other things to distract me in the game. SL is a very simple MMO by comparison.
Once we get more level increases they should speed up the xp gain for the lower levels. As far as it being a simple game you can't expect much from a game on your phone. There is only so much content they can fit and make work on a phone. That's why comeplex games are only pc or console based. Could you imagine trying to fit all the stuff of World of Warcraft on your phone? To have a phone with enough processing power to run a game like that wouldn't be able to fit it in your pocket. lol This game is meant to be played on phones so you can have some mild entertainment where ever you are.