If u don't want people joining make it private. That's why its there and there r alot of intelligent people who do use it.as for getting friends I have over a hundred but notice pl is not what it once was and 75% of them no longer play. Im on for an hr a day max and its usually slow. So joining game with other people is the best option.I guess ur right about ur right to boot but at least when u put the reason just b truthful and say ur to lazy or just not intelligent enough to use a feature that was made so u don't have random people joining.and as for u finding other posts about this in under a min. Wow good for u guess if there's other threads exactly like this one then it must b an issue.if there wasn't an actual feature to make games private then I would say nuthing but the fact that the makers of this game actually spent the time to make this feature and people who boot don't bother using it. Like I said lazy or ignorant.