Quote Originally Posted by Buddyf97 View Post
Are you an oldie? Answer these question to the best of your ability and post your answers WITHOUT looking at other posts!

1) When PL was launched what was the level cap?
2) What was easily the hardest cap for pve? (Hint: Was patched a few caps later due to it's difficulty)
3) What were the first sets with set bonuses?
4) Isis gives ____ and Thoth gives ____
5) What is the best lvl 45 Str weapon?
6) Scarab bows were originally _____ (color) and then _____ (color) bows were added
7) About how much was a Bayou Bow worth at the lvl 35 cap?
8) Frozen Nightmare was added when the cap was _____
9) What was the first large twink lvl?
10) What was the most common early twink build?
11) True or False: When the game was released, bears received hell scream at level 20
12) Lvl 40 gear was known for getting ~__ dodge % when buffed (on bird)
13) Banned was what kind of bear?
14) What was the alternate server other than Alterra?
15) What was the first color antenna?
16) How did people receive Red Antennas other than DOTD
17) Rushing was ended at what cap?
18) Who designed the Mynas helmet of Thoth?
19) To win a droid costume, you had to write what kind of poem?
20) True or False: When the Ctf maps were released Rockwall Forts was in the pack

Post your answers and PLEASE don't look at others answers! We all could get a good laugh!
1- 25
2- idk
3- voodoo master, and other 2
4- isis for health, thoth for mana
5- zuraz lance
6- idk
7- idk
8- idk
9- 19
10- int bears
11- idk
12- idk
13- idc
14- Fnord
15- green
16- haiku contest
17- 45
18- FABZ, miss u
19- haiku
20- no idea