Quote Originally Posted by Nightarcher View Post
Yeah, polished as in a final product (minus the expansions). In the future of SL/DL, there won't be even a fraction of the number of nerfs/rebalances/changes that have taken place in PL.
Night, you stated 'it will never be polished as future games'. I disagree completely. Of course PL wasn't as polished in the beginning...neither was the '57 Corvette compared to new one. However, PL is on par with SL in the polished department these days, and if you don't think so then you've just bought into the SL Kool-Aid They are both excellent games that of course have some bugs as STS constantly tries to implement new features/UIs/etc/so on and so forth. I personally disliked SL and dumped it, but it is a good game objectively...just like PL. It is obvious to state one will never be as polished as future games, because I could sit here and say the same about SL and future games. They will learn from PL/SL mistakes/missteps and avoid them in future games.