Quote Originally Posted by Deathshock View Post
But in terms of the ability to aggro and hold aggro does beckon have any advantage over taunt. Because if it doesn't taunt is a much better skill in my opinion because of the dodge it gives. Beckon only does damage when it stuns a monster.
Taunt is primarily a skill Most Warriors use for the added Dodge bonus now, its ability to actually Aggro the monsters and bring them to you is mediocre at best and they wont stay with you for long if you only use taunt & Stomp.

Beckon however is a Forced Taunt, and the added stun means you can hold them with you which in effect is what Taunt Should do but currently doesnt.

My Skill order before Going in is Evade > Taunt > Beckon > Stomp ( This will Easily get initial Aggro to put out 2-3 Additional Stomps while having a Good Dodge % )