My Grandpa's Rant:

"You Darn Kids, with all your fancy visional games, when I was young, we didn't have all those fancy electronic gizmos. We had a rock and a lake, and I tell you that..........zzzzzzzzz...........that day I caught 52 fish, and your papa was born, and I tell you that was the proudest day I didn't have gas. Ahh, I remember they invented gas it was 18 somethingy somethin, and I was laying on my bed made of haystack and buffalo skin, and those buffalo's they big just like those giraffericks and in Africa, arrrrgh, and your not eating your vegetables and all those kids are starving and I'll tell you what, hunger is bad, one time I was so hungry I walked all the way to Chinatown just to get an eggroll and I tell you it was.....zzzz...gosh darn starring......zzzzz.....starry.....zzzz.....KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN.....oh I'm inside....nor do I have a lawn, oh yeah I do...and praise the lordedo, 'cause that lawn saved me many a time back in world war 2 ...*fart*... But that's a story for another day 'cause today I'm telling you the meaning of you know that's why you should you brush your teeth every night!"

--<3 Diaxos & Grandpa