Quote Originally Posted by krazii:463597
Quote Originally Posted by IBNobody View Post
The game is very linear, stat wise. They have linear equations that define how much armor a suit of armor gives for a given level. They know how much damage a class can do at a given level. They reduced the opportunity for class hybridization by limiting choices and de-emphasizing the effect of stats; all characters are cookie-cutters. The devs probably have a spreadsheet somewhere where they plot all this. The end result is that you have a game that is very balanced.
Yes, linear game, that's nice, but you shouldn't have equipment that's 5 levels higher giving the same bonuses. They came out with increased stats on implants (note, these are plat only), but didn't increase stats on customized gear. My sense is that increasing stats on customized gear would make it way more appealing then the plat gear and hence reduce the bottom line.....$$. Kinda disappointing. I hope I'm wrong, but at this point the linear game argument doesn't hold water and I don't see another explanation.
The equipment doesn't give all the same bonuses. The bonuses get bumped up slightly with each 5 level group.

What people complain about is that they get the same amount of stat bonuses going from 10 to 15 as when they go from 30 to 35. They think that the 30 to 35 jump should yield LARGER bonus increases. (Level 35 is greater than level 15, right?)

That is not how a linear system works. You don't start getting bigger bonuses because bonuses increase at a fixed amount. This amount was chosen so that you wouldn't completely blow things out of the water when you hit the level cap.