I wish you the best of luck in this venture. I think it is quite needed.

I'm male, but my toon is female (Just because I took the default option when setting up the account initially, and didn't really care one way or the other, as I had no clue if I would stay & play long)

Playing a female character has given me an entirely new perspective on things. I never realized just how many pervs are out there, nor how annoying it must be for women to dive into a mostly male dominated arena (video games) and try and just have fun without worring about crap like this. I probably get hit on at least a few times a week, and when I tell them I'm a male, I get all kinds of responses, most of which are not fit to print here. I also get chatted up by girls that are looking for other girls to game with, and I when I inform them I am a dude, some of them get all wierd in their responses also.

I have never tried to hit on anyone in the game, I try and tell anyone I have more than a passing conversation with that I'm a guy, and most find it funny that i'm playing the opposite gender. All I want to do here is play a game and have fun. (and besides, my toon is much cuter to look at if i'm the one staring at it all day!)

It's unfortunate that some of the people that sign up here are just running around trying to use it as a dating, or social networking site. I do believe there are apps, programs & websites MUCH more suited to that type of behavior. This is a GAME, and it has no age restrictions, so it is highly unappropriate to use it for anything beyond that.

I also know several female players that chose male toons just to keep this sort of thing happening to them as well, so there's a lot of crossing the lines happening here in SL.

Anyhow, I hope this gets off the ground. I'm already in a good guild, and friends with quite a few other top guilds, so I doubt I'll be joining up, but if there's any help needed, or you guys need "drama free" runs to join, feel free to look me or anyone in our guild up. We are all mature adults, and anything close to this type of behavior is completely against our guidelines, and can result in an insta-boot if reported. None of our members should ever hassle anyone in this manner, so consider us a safe haven as well.