So, once again, I ran through Forest Haven and this is roughly what you can expect from it:
713 kills
64 mana potions
80 health potions
7864 gold
80 minutes
So if you tally the potion costs and gold together the run was worth around 11k.
So, once again, I ran through Forest Haven and this is roughly what you can expect from it:
713 kills
64 mana potions
80 health potions
7864 gold
80 minutes
So if you tally the potion costs and gold together the run was worth around 11k.
I am assuming the gold is gold loot plus gold from selling dropped loot?
PL acct 4/7/10 - Setec Lvl 52 STR Bear | SL acct 8/29/11 - Setec Lvl 10 Commando | DL acct created 9/16/12 - Setec Lvl 17 Male | AL acct 3/28/13 - Setec Lvl 9 Warrior | iOS 8 on iPad Mini 2/iPhone 6
Warriors archer or chanter?
Whenever they add trade into this game. I think the "group aspect" will be completely destroyed. Why bother trying to run with a group when you can so efficiently run through solo to farm loot?
I would just use an archer or enchanter to grab anything I might need to my warrior and trade it over to him. I hope they balance the classes before adding trade
actually no difference. A lvl 30 can walk past and kill it and then trade loot to lower levels.
But seriously speaking, I dont find this an issue. I highly doubt that a person will spend time on his lvl 30 grinding for lvl 10 items (because it is oh so hard to get the correct item you want) and its far easier to just buy it off someone.