This is one of the most culminating posts I've ever read. Just for your knowledge, I read every word of your two parts. It hooked me in such a manner that I could not take my eyes from the screen. I precisely agree with your views and thoughts. However may I make a few points?
Firstly, the average PL player doesn't have nearly 117k kills. In some later research I found the average 50+ player had 14k kills. I myself have 40k kills. I'll explain why us high levels see levels see 55+ going into nuris hallows with an embarrassing 2-9k kills. It is by reason of power leveling. Which is a topic I do NOT want to get started on. I am not trying to start a flame or a spark in which dilemmas readers. I'm simply making a correction. The player we saw Oviously used Platnium if he/she wasn't here before ao3. How else were they to get 117k kills in such a short amount of time?
About the elixir issue. Many young PL addicts cannot afford to spend 100-500 dollars on Platnium! I myself fall into that category. Many elixir users in PL have jobs and play when they are not working. How do I know this? I've met and talked with many many of these types of players! I think STS should altogether make the campaigns easier. Isnt this the reason all this started? -aside the issue of pocket legends Devs getting cheap and not caring for us anymore.
•another point, whereas brings up another question. Why have the developers seeming getting "lazy" with the new campaigns? Is it because they are too overwhelmed with SL? Perhaps not paying any attention at all to the well beings of the PL community.(which I'm sure is not true, because they have been working very hard for PL)
These are some of my points and opinios I'd like to share along with the thread owner.
