Quote Originally Posted by Snakespeare View Post
When I re-spec'd my enchantress at level 29, I had 28 points to spend. I did not max out anything. I spent 4 points each on 7 skills. If I had maxed them out, I would only have 6 skills. Ice Storm and Firestorm are a combo, when used in that order, the steam causes bonus damage. Heal is essential. Because you heal, people will rarely boot you, LOL! Levels of revive only reduce the cost, so at first don't get more than one level of that. Of the two blessing, one is a buff and the other is a de-buff. I find that it is better to de-buff, if I have to choose. It does all the bad guys in range (and area spell), so that's good, too. There's another, I can't remember, that is you defense, and you will need it when fighting bosses, or else you will die first and not be able to revive the others. Can't remember its name... anyone? It's the blue circles... hehehe ... oh MANA SHIELD. Definitely protect yourself.

Anyway, 4 levels is just as good as 5 if it gives you an extra skill. Don't be in a hurry to max them out. Spread them around a little.
It is a mistake to respec at 29 IMO because you can't max anything out for the reason you stated and what is the point? I wasn't suggesting to max everything out in order but by the time level 45 comes around the skills I mentioned should be maxed out. Also, both of the blessings are buffs, the debuffs are nightmare and weakness. Blessing of vitality gives health and armor while blessing of might gives str and damage. I believe Nightmare reduces enemy hit chance and armor while weakness reduces enemy hit chance and damage. Mana shield is important and I have it maxed out but it is preference based, some people would rather have life drain maxed out and have ice storm and mana shield not maxed out, The possibilities go on so play around with the skills and see which you like.