Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
@fusionstrike & Whoisthis I disagree with you whoisthis in that there won't be people farming for pinks in pvp. I bieve it will be abbused. I think however that if it was set up right, you would be correct. I may not have the idea, but its as simple as making pve slightly more efficiant farming than pvp. Thus, the pvp addicts (such as myself) who simply hate grinding for pinks, could get a lesser set that gets the job done all the while improving with each new pink earned.

Another thing that needs to be realized is that pinks overall rate will increase. Afterall, if theres 2 places being "farmed" then theres almost double the pinks. (i say almost because pvp wouldn't be as fast.) what's this mean? It means pinks will lose value and market prices will go down. Personally I would love that, but i know many would disagree. The only solution would be lowering drop rates in pve and pvp. No hardcore pve player would accept that.

Perhaps there's other solutions but I can't think of any atm.

At first, there will be balance issues and abuse issues. Many patches will be needed for sure. In the long run though, if the payoff does not exceed that of PvE, there would be no venue to abuse it with.

As you said, if there are better ideas for a PvP reward system ... I'm all ears.