Quote Originally Posted by Pandar View Post
Is there any particular reason why you think the GoA program has lost it's luster? I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on that.

Also, beyond just adding more to the group, what would you like to see from the program?
To be honest, it is so inactive. Before I was Guardian, I thought it wasn't just a reward. I thought it was a way to get through to the devs. A way to be heard better. Which it was, but in an off-set manner so to speak. I would rather them strip the shield and be able to get through to them better. I just get flustered at how much potential we have, and how STS seems to push away the innovators who have molded the game to where it is now. I would have to agree that this is not the game I grew up loving. It was different. It seems as if STS wants to make a profit off of... well.... anything. For instance the Reindeer Antlers in DotD. There the same exact coding and the same exact thing as 2011 Reindeer Antlers, just a different name. Of course you could walk to Towne Crier and get some for free. Those who buy them seem to be suckered in. It's not like I can tell the difference between purchased ones and free ones....

Quote Originally Posted by Draco Mikato View Post
Steph moved on to O&C, to my knowledge. Aka DawnInfinity.