(Stealing this part from Ardon and putting mine)
Character names and levels:

Javiermadriz (Com) - 40

Javimadriz (Eng) - 30

Javimadriztwo (Op) - 25

Javierfour (Com) - 10

Javierinfo (Com) - 10

(Secret name) (Op) - 9

Character applying for Star Legends Help: Javierinfo

How many days a week do you sign on to Star Legends?: Better question is what day don't I sign in.

Are you a fluent English speaker?: Yes ma'am

Do you speak any other languages enough to converse with others? (list them): Spanish, Slang ( lol )

Where in the world do you live? (Country is enough): United States of America

Are you knowledgeable in PVE, PVP, or both?: Both

Which character class are you an 'expert' with?: Com