Quote Originally Posted by Arterra View Post
the one reason i hate pvp. there is a reason we dont have "duel player" buttons when in town, pvp maps are designed to be chaotic and free for all oriented.
dont like me hiding behind a tree at the last second? why do you think the tree is THERE? Oh, you were not ready? then dont go around sitting in the middle of the map changing your gear. you were busy? dont take up space in a busy pvp map.
But what's the point in atacking a totally unprepared player?! You know you will win. Is this really fun?
It could maybe create a FFA, but most likely you will be simply booted/rushed back/teamed by the rushed one's team.

No truely skilled player I know rushed other people. They just don't need to do this to enjoy PvP.
Rushing is just a very cheap and dishonorable move IMO.

If you like FFA better (like I do), ask for it or host your own games. Don't rush.