Quote Originally Posted by Kinect View Post
waaiit wait what i think i misunderstood you on first post.. did you mean it was on dotd the first day thats why they wont refund me? i thought u meant it was only for sale for one day so they wont refund you one time deal... anyways it annoyed me because day after i bought for 500 it was on sale for 250 but i didnt bother to say anything about it as i thought they didnt give refunds for that / and i had extra 300 plat lying around.. now im stalking the free offers page refreshing everysecond another free 1 platinum offer shows
Lol it's fine

A lot of people bought it for 500 plat the first day, not realizing it was the deal of the day for 250. Those people got refunded. However, I think now that it's been the deal of the day over 10 times, they won't be issuing refunds unless you seriously put up a fight over it