lol Chown <3 Space repo man is a title I would not mind.

Update to Engineers: Watch out for Akfury. He has came back with a vengeance.

List of the only Engineers to ever beat me: Bene, Akfury

I am starting to grow suspiscious of the randomness of Engineer fights. Today me and Bene have done some more testing, and instead of flip flopping back and forth, it seems to come in waves. First I won most of the fights. Then out of no where, Bene started winning most of the fights. I didn't change anything, and he didn't change anything. It just seems like you go on a "Hot Streak" of dodging a lot, or doing more damage. I know it's probably not true, but it's weird to go from winning almost all the fights, then losing almost all the fights, when nothing has changed.

Anyway, gogo Bene and Akfury! Always a pleasure to fight you both. <3