Quote Originally Posted by Junside View Post
Well I made a castle from the ground up with the block -that takes really long to destroy- and left a small opening. I might make an underground tunnel to a cave on another island. I feared an attack when I'm sleeping, which is why I didn't start off with a cave in a wall, so I'm not surrounded in a small area. Started my house on a high hill, surrounded by deep water.

As said in an earlier post by TheChairMaker, there isn't much yet. I can just easily put torches anywhere I want, in unlimited amount. I might expand my house and build a wall surrounding it, with an air tunnel leading to another safe place. O_o I assume i'd have to prepare before something screwed up happens to me lol

Lol take some screenies of your world?(:

I believe you're talking about obsidian. Which nothing can break it. So creepers can't blow it up