Quote Originally Posted by kallima:531395
I basically said same in a fun, light hearted way and we get yet another longvwinded reply. Do you just love to hear yourself talk?*

Brevity is a virtue.
You said you wanted fun and lighthearted, so I gave you bit o' fun and light heartedness.

Yeah, a few people have complained on the length of my posts. In my over 300 posts, I think that someone has complained 3 or 4 times. Every time they did, I showed them that they were wrong. For example:

1. In the last HALF of just THIS thread.

2. There are 16 posts longer than mine.

3. About half of those 16 are twice as long as mine.

4. Kalima, you made a post in this thread that is longer than mine.

5. In fact, Kalima, your post in twice as long as mine.

6. I have screen shots of all these posts.

The following is the opening paragraph of the post that you made that is 2x longer than mine.

Quote Originally Posted by kallima:515128
I have not been able to post my feedback as I was limited to only mobile devices and knew my feedback would be rather long-winded. So forgive the delay as the point seems pretty moot now.
If I seem to be a bit stern in this post, I am sorry, but it is getting bit tiresome to be attacked by someone who is critisizing me for something they are worse at.

Frankly, a lot of short posts are just someone agreeing with someone else. While, I have no problem with that, sometimes it takes a while to say what you are trying to say. In fact, many short posts are just someone sucking up to someone else. Which, I got no problem with but you can't file that under the heading 'Something Wonderful', you can only file that under the heading 'Something Acceptable'.

Your post was twice as long as mine. It is obvious, the only reason you are complaing about mine is because I was disagreeing with you.

Quote Originally Posted by kallima:531646
I have not been the only one to tell you that you twist words and stack the deck to support your "points/arguments."
Quote Originally Posted by kallima:515128
If I'm incorrect in any of my two previous points, please quote them or direct me to the link
No one has told me that I twist words or stack the deck. Just as you said above, please back that up in the form of quotes or links. You can't cuz it didn't happen. It is not possible to show me even one example of me twisting anybody's words around. Because it never happened.

I'm not sure that you even know what 'stack the deck' means.

It is so hilarious when people get mad because someone else had a better idea: For example:

Guy A has an idea and three points of logic to back up that idea.

Guy B has 12 points of logic that shows that Guy A's idea was, well, kinda gooftastic.

Guy A gets all mad.

It's not Guy B's fault if Guy A's idea wasn't too logical.

Don't get mad. Just come up with better ideas.

Quote Originally Posted by kallima:531646
I have not been the only one to tell you that your posts and feedback monopolize any discussion or thread in which you are involved. Apparently, you have such a grandiose opinion of yourself that you have taken none of the constructive criticism to heart. So I will do what so many are already doing, just not read your posts.
This is another example of someone attacking me for something that I'm not even doing at all. And that they do very frequently.

When I post some ideas, I welcome critisism and discussion. There are a few people on this board, for example, the ring leaders of rage fest, who fly into rages when someone disagrees with them. They believe that they have such a grandiose opinion of themselves and ideas that they feel they are untouchable. That no one should have the right to disagree with them.

If someone's ideas are so frail that they would shatter at the least bit of scrutiny, but they want the devs to hear the idea, they shouldn't post 'em on the board. they should just PM a dev with the idea. Why? Because the purpose of this forum (read the first 3 paragraphas of the forum rules) is to foster open and free discussion.

If someone thinks their ideas are too precious for open debate, don't post them, PM them.