Quote Originally Posted by yfwong View Post
hi, I just created a new character (bear), started the tutorial, killed 3-4 skeletons and reached level 2. upon reaching level 2, I was given my first skill. since I preferred not to invest into this skill at all, I used the skill reset option which cost me 2 platinum. then as the tutorial proceeded, it asked me to click on the new skill, and I noticed the new skill is back to 1 pt instead of 0 after the reset. I had to spend another 2 platinum to redo the reset.

please address this tutorial bug and refund me my 2 platinum. 2 platinum doesn't seem like a lot but it is a matter of principle as it wasnt spent but lost via a bug.

suggestion: to keep the 1st skill point instead of investing it without player input. it shouldn't be made mandatory to waste 1 skill on something you might not want pending on your character build choice. thanks.
To clarify; is the issue that you are forced to choose a skill in the tutorial and that you don't want to do that?